We are proud of the distinction of being an AIHA-LAP, LLC EMLAP accredited laboratory. In addition, AIHA-LAP, LLC advises us that our accreditation complies with International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:201, general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. We are part of a small group recognized for achieving and maintaining a high level of professional performance. Even though our lab offers multiple types of fungal analyses, the accreditation for our Greenville, SC laboratory only covers the analysis of direct examination of air and surface/bulk samples for fungi.

When a laboratory is accredited by AIHA-LAP, LLC, the laboratory and its clients have the assurance that the laboratory has met defined standards for performance based on examination of a variety of criteria. – AIHA-LAP,

AIHA-LAP, LLC’s EMLAP program is designed for laboratories specializing in analysis of microorganisms commonly detected in air and bulk samples, as part of indoor air quality investigations. Since important health and financial decisions can be based on results of these analyses, it is vital that the laboratory analyzing the samples be proficient in producing high quality data. Our AIHA-LAP, LLC accreditation is one mark of this capability.

When a laboratory is EMLAP accredited by AIHA-LAP, LLC, its clients have assurance that the laboratory has met a defined set of performance standards, including personnel qualifications, proficiency under the Environmental Microbiology Proficiency Analytical Testing (EMPAT) program, facilities, quality assurance, records, analytical methods, and laboratory operation procedures (SOPs). Additionally, AIHA-LAP, LLC accreditation ensures that the laboratory is compliant with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 policies and procedures.

SEEML is accredited by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for PLM.

NVLAP Lab Code 201031-0

NVLAP Lab Code 600385-0

Internal Quality Control Program

SEEML analysts are assessed by a 5% daily QC allowance. This involves on going blind duplicate inter comparison tests and intra evaluations to assess analyst accuracy and proficiency.

Additionally, daily reference slides are conducted and reviewed to provide an ongoing feedback for analyst accuracy and proficiency.

SEEML is accredited by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for PLM.(NVLAP Lab Code 201031-0).

Round Robin

The lab participates in a Round Robin conducted bi-annually with two other laboratories to assure consistent, reliable and documented analysis quality on par with other laboratories.


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